We’re pleased to announce the rebranding of our building complex in Greensboro, NC. to Reynolds Place Apartments. The new Reynolds Place Apartments combines two adjacent properties that used to be known as Campus 2 Apartments and Reynolds Place. The original Reynolds Place was developed at approximately the same time as Campus 2, and was initially known as Campus 1. With the opening of a new building in 2019, and after our acquisition in 2020, the time is right to launch Reynolds Place Apartments.

Why is rebranding worthwhile? First of all, the two adjacent parcels plus the new building at 1911 Spring Garden Street are contiguous to one another, share the same construction footprints, and are being marketed together under the same ownership, as a single entity, for the first time. Also, we are investing heavily to upgrade bathrooms and kitchens in a manner similar to those in the new building, as well as invest in safety and security infrastructure so that these features are similar for all six buildings.
Improvements to the exteriors and common areas of the new Reynolds Place Apartments have been underway since autumn 2020. These improvements not only enhance the appearance of the property; they also provide for more sustainable, low cost and environmentally sensitive landscape maintenance.
But perhaps the most visible indication of change is our new signage, which announces the new Reynolds Place Apartments in a format that also features our University Property logo and directs potential residents to our website. Prospective residents interested in living at the new Reynolds Place Apartments can easily find information about us at a new landing page: https://www.university-property.com/greensboro-rentals
And consistent with the times, a 4’ x 4’ QR Code for the new Reynolds Place Apartments is visible and scannable from Spring Garden Street! So potential renters can visit our Greensboro web page.