We’re thrilled to announce our new Greensboro, NC corporate offices at Transform GSO on Lewis Street. Transform GSO’s Lewis and Bain Street locations, both off of Elm Street, are renovated, fresh, bright co-working spaces that blend Greensboro’s rich history with modern sensibilities. Our new neighbors include SouthEnd Brewery Company, The Bearded Goat, and Downtown Greensboro Inc., Greensboro’s economic development affiliate.
Why do we choose co-working spaces for University Property? We’re a fast-growing, entrepreneurial company, and we like the ideas and energy that come from being around companies and people that share our tempo and zest for business life. We have always embraced a “distributed” work place business model, whereby our staff work from where it most makes sense for them – close to our customers, side-by-side with our vendors, while traveling, from home – and our office setting is meant primarily for collaboration. Accordingly, we want our work spaces to be stimulating, comfortable and fun. Transform GSO is all of that.
We are pleased to play a role as part of the Downtown Greensboro 2030 Strategic Vision Plan. We want to be engaged in the communities where we operate, and to contribute to their health and vitality. Being downtown is where we want to be!
